Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM MST
CrossCounty Mortgage - Oro Valley
1335 W. Lambert Lane, Suite 165
Free for Members!
$25 for Non-Members
Please join new member Ted Tucker from SkyWest Media to learn more about how effective digital marketing can increase your bottom line by 40% even during economic uncertainty and Silver member, Kim Kirshner from IBE, who will discuss different types of tax savings strategies that can help you and your business receive dollar-for-dollar tax credits, while still contributing to your favorite non-profit schools or organizations.
If you are an S Corp, C-Corp, LLC that files like an S-Corp, insurance company that pays AZ state taxes on premiums, 501C3, or anyone who pays taxes, you won't want to miss this exceptional event, especially before you file!