Independent Bookstore Day 10th Anniversary
Saturday Apr 29, 2023
10:00 AM - 5:00 PM MST
Saturday, April 29 from 10 AM - 5 PM
The National Parks Store 12880 N Vistoso Village Dr Tucson, AZ 85755
(520) 622-6014
Celebrate Independent Bookstore Day at The National Parks Store with special sales, activities, and giveaways on Saturday, April 29. Shop our unique and diverse collection with 20% off all books and a bonus gift with purchases of $20 or more. Go on a blind date with a book—use clues to choose a wrapped book for only $8 and find a new and surprising read. Bring the kids and listen to treasured children’s books during Sonoran Desert Storytime starting at 3 PM. Enter the raffle to win a $40 gift certificate with no purchase necessary—winners need not be present during the drawing. Shoppers receive a free bookmark with all purchases! Be sure to check out our online store at for 20% off of all books, and receive a gift with your purchase of $20 or more. Online sale runs Saturday, April 29—Monday, May 1. Join Western National Parks Association and be a part of this national celebration. On Independent Bookstore Day, author Susan Lamb will present her new book, White Sands National Park, and share the wonders of one of the newest national parks. She will be available for signing after the presentation and books will be available for 20% off! Registration is required to attend the presentation.