Tuesday Jul 16, 2024
10:00 AM - 11:30 PM MST
July 16th, 10am
Splendido at Rancho Vistoso
https://information.splendidotucson.com/events or they can call (520) 878.2612
GET EXPERT INSIGHTS ON THESE INTRIGUING BIRDS. They’ve been called the “Star Birds of the Arizona Monsoon” for their unique nesting habits timed to match our weather patterns. Join us for a fascinating presentation on these charismatic swallows that find their homes in our local saguaros. The Tucson Audubon Society will share recent research on this fascinating subspecies, along with video and audio that will help you spot them yourself. People can sign up on the Splendido website here: https://information.splendidotucson.com/events or they can call (520) 878.2612.