Non-Profit Community Orgs Hours: 6:45 a.m. Thursdays, Oro Valley Hospital.
Improving people's lives locally and globally, through service.
Oro Valley Rotary Club
Evening club, 2nd and 4th Mondays.About Us
We're part of a worldwide, 1.2 million-member grassroots organization of volunteers who raise funds and perform service projects to bolster education, health, safety, food, water, clothing and youth.
Enlightening and fun breakfast meetings most often include interesting speakers. They also provide an excellent opportunity for networking with community leaders. Evening club meetings at restaurants offer an opportunity to support local businesses.
Our major fund-raising event of the year is “A Taste of Oro Valley.'' It features many local restaurants, wineries, breweries, live music and gaming. Profits made from this event fund service projects the club does throughout the year.
Examples of some of our local projects include supporting Project Graduation; providing scholarships to graduating high school students; sending high school students to Rotary leadership camp; sponsoring a Rotaract Club at a local high school; supporting an Odyssey of the Mind team; painting houses for Habitat for Humanity; assisting a local food bank.
As a 501(c) 3 and 4 organization, Oro Valley Rotary is a networking club that enhances health, improves education, and reduces poverty in our community and around the world.
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