GAP Ministries

GAP Ministries

Non-Profit Community Orgs

About Us

GAP Ministries, a 501c3 social services nonprofit serving Southern Arizona since 1999, stands in the GAP for those in need, bringing HELP to Children, HEALING to Families, and HOPE to our Community.

Children have always been at the heart of GAP. We care for 270 foster children and teens each year, and provide programs to strengthen their families so they can be successfully reunited when possible. But we want to do more than just meet the needs of these precious children. It is our desire and goal to break generational cycles of poverty and abuse. This is accomplished through programs like our GAP Kitchen, preparing 1000 meals weekly for low-income children and others, the Community Warehouse, providing food and basic needs items to thousands of families in our community struggling to make ends meet, and Career+, career and life skills training to help individuals find good paying jobs and be able to provide for their families.

GAP Ministries (QFCO #10020) qualifies for the Arizona Foster Care Tax Credit. Go to for more information.


GAP Kitchen culinary students
Culinary graduates
Community Warehouse Shoppers
Community Warehouse
Adopted children
Adoptive Family
Family Engagement Center

Rep/Contact Info

Greg Ayers
John Hohn
Executive Chef
  • Phone: (520) 877-8077
Len Hoke
Community Liason
Tiane Kennedy
Public Relations Director
Scott Thompson
Donor Consultant