Business & Professional Services Hours: M - F, 8am - 5pm Driving Directions: Located at the Northeast corner of Broadway and Swan
When a Business Owner hires employees those employees come with overhead...
About Us
Employees need payroll, create a need for HR advising and hours spent googling for answers, the need for employers to create safe work environments, a need for workers comp insurance, and influence on the business from regulatory agencies.
Barrett Business Services is a human resources consulting firm offering the complete array of employee administrative services. We help you become a professional at managing employees so you can focus on the future.
Our founder was an entrepreneur driven to provide a valuable, hands-on business service at a reasonable price. By staying true to the core company principles -- to deliver what was promised, when it was promised, and always with respect -- BBSI has built strong relationships with both customers and employees.
We work with more than 3,000 companies daily, but manage to keep business personal. How do we do it? With solutions we know, because we've used them on ourselves, and a philosophy of success that demands teamwork. In business since 1951.
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